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makotokai karate do logoMakotokai Karate Do

C'barron Village
About Us
Our Aims

Welcome to our Policy and Statement Link Page
In line with legislation and our affiliation agreements Makotokai Karate Do have several policies in place to ensure an open and save environment for our students, particularly for our younger members. Hopefully our policies and statements, along with our parent guide, will help provide some form of reassurance for parents of our younger students (karateka) the steps that our clubs have taken to meet the needs of all concerned.

We trust that every parent who is considering a placement can familiarise themselves with the documents and that they will assist in providing them with an overview of the clubs aims and objectives as well as the environment in which their child would be training under. The documents provided will also be useful to the older student who is considering training at any of our clubs.
Child Protection Policy Adobe PDF Format  HTML - Browser Text
Parents Guide Document Adobe PDF Format HTML - Browser Text

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