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makotokai karate do logoMakotokai Karate Do

Sensei Marshall
Sensei Evans
Sensei Blore



Sensei Tom Evans 5th Dan - Reiki Master

Tom has been with Makotokai Karate Do since it was founded in 1995 and the following is a short resume of Toms Martial Arts Career


Tom (on left) receiving his 5th Dan CertificateTom’s first training session was at the age of about 12 when he went with friends to Stirling ‘SHOTOKAN’ karate club, then run by Sensei Ronnie Watt. Although he was only there a short time  it was sufficient to stimulate his interest in the martial arts. He did no serious training until he saw various Bruce Lee movies and, like many others of his time, decided he wanted to study the arts a bit more in depth. Accordingly, at the age of 16/17 he joined the ‘Luagar Kung Fu’ club. During this period on the path he travelled to various kung fu clubs across Great Britain to compete in competitions, this he did for a number of years until the club closed down.


In an attempt to continue his studies he briefly studied Kempo, Ju Jutsu moving and then Tai Kwon Do but due to politics that appeared to be associated with the style duly left. At this point in time his pathTom (right) demonstrating uraken lead him to the Shotokai karate club and this is where he trained with Chief Instructor Sensei Mitsuke Harada and after many years of training around Scotland and England he received the coveted level of 1st Dan Black Belt.


From then on Tom's training started to overlap with different disciplines of the Martial Arts. Tom received 2nd Dan with Sen-No-Kai karate club


Tom was involved in the development of Makotokai  when it was established in 1995 under the direction of Sensei Stewart Marshall. To permit further personal development Tom has, over the past few years, studied Tai Chi & Qi Gong. He is also a trained Reiki Master and has studied other holistic healing therapies.


Sensei Evans has experience in Akido in which he has been training since 1997. Sensei Evans has personal responsibility for the Azami Karate Club Grangemouth which is associated to the  Makotokai Karate-Do Association. Tom is currently 5th Dan (Black Belt) with Makotokai Karate- Do.


In March 2010 Tom, after attending a Institute of Aikido Winters Grading Course tom was awarded a First Dan in Aikido by Sensei Foster. Tom is to be congratulated on this very fine achievement and again will be able to pass on his skills and enhance the training of his students.